0327-5049244 – The Hope Rehab – Best Rehabilitation Center Islamabad Pakistan

What Is A Drug Rehab Center?

Drug rehab centers are facilities specifically dedicated to the treatment of substance abuse.

However, once we hear drug rehab, we assume it is restricted to curbing addictions only; in fact, the rehabilitation process is inclusive of much more, it helps build a healthier approach towards life while encouraging sobriety.

In addition to recovering from addiction it deals with the antecedents, consequences, and underlying causes of substance abuse as well.

These centers offer different modes of treatment which usually include inpatient, outpatient rehab, or partial hospitalization. The mode of treatment depends on a number of factors ranging from severity level of substance abuse, financial concerns, and other commitments to personal preference of the individual.

Often a misconception surrounds drug rehab that substance abusers are forced to seek treatment in an inpatient setting however that is untrue. Treatment works best when it is voluntary, the individual has absolutely free choice to drop out of it or choose whether they want to stay at the in-house facility or only visit on a daily or weekly basis. The rare occurrence when admission to a drug rehab center is a compulsion is when it is court-ordered.


The main goal of a drug rehab center is to provide treatment that encourages abstinence from substance abuse by providing therapy to the individual that builds healthier coping skills, encourages self-esteem, and provides adaptive thought patterns.

To achieve this purpose various therapeutic techniques are used by professionals, such as:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Rational emotive behavior therapy
  • Contingency management
  • 12-step facilitation
  • Family therapy

No matter what mode of treatment or type of therapy is offered each individual goes through three similar phases while at a drug rehab center which is as follows:

  • Detoxification
  • Addiction Therapy
  • Ongoing recovery

Medical detox is necessary to initially cleanse the body of all harmful substances and rid of any possession of substances as well to avoid further abuse. This process is followed by the most important component that is therapeutic techniques; a psychologist at this point assesses the patient and generates an individual plan according to their personal needs and goals. This plan might include group therapy, family therapy, or wellness activities in addition to individual therapy. This step addresses the underlying causes of addiction and aims to curb those while also providing the patient with a supportive network through therapy. Once the individual has set foot on the path towards recovery, they are then encouraged to fly solo with the techniques learned throughout therapy and the process of ongoing recovery continues.


Drug rehab centers offer different types of treatments which can vary from facility to facility or due to the characteristics of the patient. The three common types of drug rehab centers are:

Inpatient Rehab

These are live-in drug rehab centers that offer 24-hour care to the recoveree. These programs can last from several weeks to a few months depending upon the progress. Such programs include medical care, individual therapy, support groups, health and wellness activities, and leisure time all under one roof. Inpatient rehab is usually recommended for chronic substance abuse where medical assistance is necessary. Moreover, it is an immediate approach for removing triggers from the individual’s environment while also addressing the sociocultural factors surrounding drug abuse.

Outpatient Rehab

Some drug rehab centers may offer only outpatient rehab or both inpatient or outpatient rehab. This approach is more useful for those who cannot let go of other commitments while seeking therapy such as, family or work. In an outpatient setting, the recoveree is only required to visit the center for a few hours on a weekly or daily basis. Similar to the inpatient setting this also included addiction therapies however there is a lack of intensive care or consistent medical assistance in this kind of approach.

Partial Hospitalization

This approach is usually offered by drug rehab centers that include both inpatient and outpatient settings, as it is a combination of both. Those who decide upon partial hospitalization are required to visit the medical facility on a daily basis while continuing individual therapy in an outpatient setting on a daily or weekly basis. Partial hospitalization offers the medical assistance lacking in outpatient rehab however it cannot be the same as intensive care within an inpatient setting.

In a nutshell, a drug rehab center offers a safe space to the recovering individual where they can take a breather and gain important skills required to get back on top of their behavior. Substance abuse can often force a person into a cycle of dependency but drug rehab centers provide the opportunity to gain back control through immense support from both professionals and other recoveries alike. The individualized nature of these centers can really make the treatment process much more efficient so choose wisely and start your journey towards recovery today!